Buddy Bear - ADOPTED
Buddy Bear is a 6-month-old, 8.5 lb. Chihuahua mix that was surrendered to PPI. His previous family did a DNA test and he is 72% Chihuahua and the other 28% is various terriers and a few other breeds you wouldn’t guess. Initially, he was quite timid in his new foster home, especially when it came to going outside and interacting with other dogs. However, he's now thriving, happily running and playing with the rest of the pack. Buddy Bear has a quirky habit of stealing things like remotes and shoes, though he never destroys them—finding them is just part of the fun! He’s still working on housebreaking, as his previous family was training him to use puppy pads. At night, Buddy Bear sleeps in his crate, although he voices a bit of protest before settling in. He does well on a leash. He’s very vocal and will definitely let you know when he wants something. If you feel that his forever home could be yours, then please fill out an application today!
Breed: Chihuahua/terrier mix
Sex: Male
Estimated Birth Date: 3/5/2024
Weight: 8.5 pounds
Status: Available
Add Date: 8/5/2024
Last Updated: 8/28/2024
Adopt Date: 9/13/2024
PPI#: 081424.2
Tag #: 4365
Foster Name: Sally
Adoption Fee: $450
Likes Cats: Unknown
Likes Dogs: Yes
House trained: Learning, work in progress
Needs a pal: No
Likes kids under 5: Unknown
Likes over 5: Unknown
Kenneled: Yes
Walks on a leash Yes
Shares Toys With Humans: Yes
Shares Toys With Other Animals: Yes
Eats Nicely With Humans: Yes
Eats Nicely With Other Animals: Yes
Knows Basic Commands: Learning
Fence Needed: No
Fence Jumper: No
Crate Trained: Yes, but doesn't prefer it
Energy Level (1-5): 5, puppy!
Rides nicely in car: Yes, in crate, but protests
Note: Please understand the statements about this animal are based upon the foster home's evaluation of the animal. The animal might behave differently (negatively or positively) in your home. While the animal might be good with the current foster’s dogs, cats, children, etc., it may not be with your animal(s) or children. The animal may be housebroken or litter trained in the home of the foster but may relapse in your home. The animal is represented to the public as it performs in the foster home and any statements made regarding the animal are conditional to that foster home setting. Those interested in adopting should have read all information about the animal and understand they cannot claim they did not understand the facts about this animal as understood by Planned Pethood and/or the foster. Planned Pethood and vet(s) do our best to provide accurate age and breed of the animal, but sometimes they are educated guesses. Please understand that statements made regarding this animal are simply overviews and are not guaranteed. Your adoption fee is non-refundable for any reason.